Thursday, November 18, 2010


What is Life? What does the word Life mean to you? When you hear this word, what comes to mind? Do you think about the past, the present or the future? If so, than your on the right track. Life is something that should not be taken for granted. Yes there are times but think about the outcome. Will your decisions affect your loved ones or just you. Think, think hard about that? Sometimes when I walk around, I look up into the sky and I try to see what the future has in store for me. Thinking about the future is a normal thing. Its fine to question yourself as to what you want to become but make your decisions wisely. What does Life have to offer to you? What are you willing to do to protect the ones you love? Is it a life and death matter or is it just something simpler than that?Think about this, think about what Life really is and what this means, not just for you but for the 6 billion people living on this planet.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Village Life of Bangladesh

Laying back in the sunlight, Relaxing. Watching the cows and goats run freely through the never ending pathway. Listening to the beautiful caws of birds flying in the air. As i walk through the village I see the children playing soccer and having the best time of their life. I see my cousins trying to catch the chickens. I see the town fisherman and the farmers doing their best at their jobs. Watching the village girls and boys get together talking and laughing. The cool breeze of nature's air. The wonderful smell of the rain that the Mother Nature brings upon us. The village life is quite amazing, peaceful and brings no stress. The village is the place to go and be free. The sight of the beauty of the palm and coconut trees. Having the wind blow through your hair. Watching the guests come and greet you like your some queen. At night when the current goes out, the village comes together, talks, laughs and just lives in the moment of love and joy. The village can do quite a thing on a person.You start looking at life differently, basically it just changes your whole perspective on life and hat life really means. You start realize that life offers so many paths, doors to opportunities. It's just that you need to choose the right one. The village is one place where I would want to go, just to live in those moments where problems really didnt exist.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Life

Taking a deep breath, looking back into my past I see that I have made a few mistakes. These mistakes have marked my life with situations that are horrifying. I look up to the sky wondering what life has in store for me. I wonder if I have a destiny awaiting for me. I wish for so many things in life but my main wish is for a miracle. Every night i pray to God for a miracle, but unfortunately my miracle hasn't come yet. But i have hope that it will come someday. Life as I know it, is over for me. I can never undo those mistakes that i beg that didn't happen but i know that my angel is watching over me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Midnight Sky

the midnight sky as beautiful as it is, twinkling stars that fill the night sky, stars full of wonder each star twinkling with their own unique beauty, the shining moon with hopes and dreams, the midnight sky making my world seem peaceful.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The sound of pure rain is amazing,

watching the rain drops hitting the floor at random times

watching the kids play, dancing in the rain.

when it rains, its like all the pain and hatred disappear

the fresh smell of rain when it falls from heaven

the beautiful colors in the sky, sounds of magic in the air and the peaceful sound of rain